Health and Social Care Committee


Meeting Venue:

Committee Room 1 - Senedd




Meeting date:

Wednesday, 12 October 2011




Meeting time:

09:05 - 11:45




This meeting can be viewed on Senedd TV at:



Concise Minutes:




Assembly Members:


Mark Drakeford (Chair)

Mick Antoniw

Rebecca Evans

Vaughan Gething

Elin Jones

Darren Millar

Lynne Neagle

Lindsay Whittle

Kirsty Williams








Anne Hinchliffe, Public Health Wales

Nuala Brennan, Public Health Wales






Committee Staff:


Llinos Dafydd (Clerk)

Naomi Stocks (Clerk)

Catherine Hunt (Deputy Clerk)

Stephen Boyce (Researcher)

Victoria Paris (Researcher)





1.  Budget scrutiny preparation

1.1 The Committee held a roundtable discussion with health and social care representatives on the draft budget for 2012-13.




2.  Introductions, apologies and substitutions

2.1 Apologies were received from William Graham.  There was no substitute.




3.  Inquiry into the contribution of community pharmacy to health services in Wales - Evidence from Public Health Wales

3.1 The witnesses responded to questions from Members of the Committee on the contribution of community pharmacy to health services in Wales.


3.2 The witnesses agreed to provide additional information on: the data available on the take up of medicines use reviews; and existing research relating to patients’ preferences for GP or pharmacy consultations.


3.3 Ms Brennan agreed to give consideration to a streamlined accreditation system for community pharmacists and what it would include, and would share her thoughts with the Committee.




4.  Papers to note

4.1 The Committee agreed to schedule a session after the Christmas recess to consider the issues raised by the petition on public toilet provision.





View the meeting transcript.
